Monday, March 14, 2011

English Only Bill

A05350 - The English Only bill is a current bill trying to be passed by Congress. If the law gets passed Kobl (MS) as well as the people who support him, believes that this will unite the country. One might say that this law is discriminatory and against non English speaking people. But I believe it really is not. 

The law would make English the official language of New York State. This will effect everyone in one way or another.  One way it will effect you is that when you want to vote everything will be printed in English. I think that even thought it seem harsh and bi-est it will encourage non-English speakers to speak English. It will benefit the country as a whole because people are encouraged to learn English which will increase the literacy rate. Yes it will be harder for the first generation of non- English speaking immigrants but it will encourage them to learn English. This will help them get better jobs. Many non -English speaking immigrants that I personally know are not motivated to learn English therefore they are not going to have a great job and have a hard live.

Another, part of the bill states that no longer will politics be able to talk to the people in an language other than English during campaigns. I'm not sure how I feel about this. At first I thought it was wrong because many people feel more comfortable being spoken to in their. But some politics use another language to their advantage, to try to persuade other's to vote for them. 


  1. This is a complex issue. On the one hand, it will disenfranchise certain people who may not understand English very well. Further, it may make it easier for immigrants to be brainwashed into voting for certain candidates because they won't be able to think for themselves - in their own tongue.

    On the other hand, I urge you to consider the words of President Theodore Roosevelt - a progressive, mind you:

    "In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

    I have a problem with the politics of identity. I have a problem with people who vote not for a candidate, but for a skin color; not for a candidate, but for a language. I have a problem with those who vote for politicians not based on their qualifications, but based on what language they spoke at a campaign rally. THAT IS RIDICULOUS, and such ridiculousness has consequences.

    But that's the way it is. "Speak to a man in a language he understands and it will go to his head. Speak to a man in HIS language and it will go to his heart." And, alas, more and more people are thinking with their hearts and not with their heads.

    So, Elizabeth, you raise an extremely interesting issue. I am the child of Russian immigrants, and so this question strikes at the very core of my being. But I am an American first and foremost. If you choose to live in the US, then you should try to accept and adopt the ways of this country. Yes, it's difficult; yes, it's complicated - but nobody FORCED you to come here. You CHOSE to be an American. Now act like it.

    I acknowledge that this may disenfranchise some people, and make others more susceptible to brainwashing since they won't understand what's actually being said. These are real problems, because the US is a real democracy. I will glady discuss any ideas on what can - and should - be done to resolve these issues.

    Again, you chose a great idea to blog about. I wish you would take a stand and make an argument.

  2. That is an interesting topic that does deserve recognition. I didnt't know that there was a bill going around that wanted to make English the official language of New York State. Well, for one thing, New York State is one of the states in America that Most of the population is either immigrant or the son/daughter of an immigrant. This alone is enough to say that passing a bill that forces the English language on many people in this state is quite dumb. Although Mike makes a good point that if a person comes to America then they should be an American in all aspects, I disagree. The Unitd Stated is built by people who don't know English. Immigrants built almost everything this country has, including its culture. Who built the transcontinental railroad, the Eire Canal, and other things the United States uses today? It wasn't english speaking blue bloods, it was chinese, irish, japanese, french, and other people who did. So I think that eliminating a freedom, which is actually protected under the U.S. Constitution, would injure this State in which many people would be inconvinianced by such a law.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Waleed,

    I think that we need to change our immigration policy altogether. Before you can immigrate to certain countries (like Australia), you need to fill out a survey indicating what languages you speak, what skills/ education you have, etc.

    In the United States, however, we just let anyone and everyone in - and that's how we get thousands of people (some of whom entered the US illegally in the first place) sitting on welfare, giving birth to five or six kids whom they won't raise, and suffering from an entitlement mentality in general.

    Immigrants are a GREAT thing - but only if they bring their skills, work ethic, and knowledge to the United States and use it to benefit our country. The people who built the transcontinental railroad were an example of how immigrants are good for America. The thousands who sit on welfare, birth 5-6 children, commit crimes ... are not.

    For more commentary, check out these links from my friend Jeff Jacoby:

    If you don't want to be an American, don't come to the US! Most of the people who are emigrating today are NOT doing so to escape oppression, as was the case with Soviet immigrants in the 1990s. They are coming here by CHOICE. And if you come to America by choice, you need to take steps that show you have what it takes to be a productive citizen.

    I am not encouraging the disenfranchisement of an entire population (G-d forbid). I am merely saying that we need immigrants who will work to build our country (and whose children will do the same); we need immigrants who will follow our laws and customs (not burn the American flag, cheer at terrorist attacks, or support our enemies).

    Try re-reading TR's statement: it actually makes a lot more sense than you think it does.

  5. To Michel . I do not understand how I am not acting like an american . I say that I support this bill, but I also understand why OTHERS would not.

  6. To Waleed :
    Yes I understand that we should be Americans but like I told Michel I am for this bill not against it . Also, this bill has already been passed in other states.

  7. Elizabeth,

    HUH? If you read my comments carefully, you will see that I am not referring to you personally.

    The word "you" refers to people in general.
